Random Thoughts on a Vague Topic

Out of the loop, out of the class, out of the building, out of the state, out of the country, out of the world, out of the solar system, out of the universe.

That’s where I want to go. That’s where I can pretend things don’t exist, because they wouldn’t. Sound traveling around me, so many people in the room, none to speak with. All trapped in their worlds, all interacting with each other’s.
Don’t know where they go, don’t know how they do it. A skill I never learned, or one I forgot? Spinning twirling leaping jumping. Movement in sound. Movement in light. Movement in movement. All so busy, none so still. Why do they spin? Why do they move? What do they gain, what do they learn?
Am I out, or are they?
Vibrations move me, I make vibrations. Do I move me? Where did vibration start, where does it end? It’s like the spinning moving jumping twirling movement. So many act, so many do not. Those that do not, do.
Inaction is action. Action is movement. Movement is vibration. Vibration is acting. Acting is inaction. Inaction is action.
We move, we talk, we laugh.
Out of the loop. In the loop. Is it different? Do so many loops overlap no one is out and no one is in?
Sometimes in sometimes out. Out of the in, inside the out. Box in box, circle in circle, loop in loop, world in world. A world is a loop is a circle is a box. Our loop becomes our world, our world is a circle, the circle traps and is a box.
If the world is a box and a box traps, does the world trap? If the world traps, can you go out of the universe? Is the world a universe? World is relative as universe is relative. View is relative.

High school is a world. It has its levels, it has its up and down, the good the bad the pretty the ugly. All divided, all together. Walk as a herd, walk as individual, each an individual herd.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I really like this! I hope you do more pieces like it!
