City Lights

There was this city, on a coast somewhere. Modern skyscrapers. There weren’t many buildings, but one was bigger than the others by a good deal; very tall, all equal sides.
The window lights in the buildings were gold. Bright yellow lights shining from rooms. They flickered as if people were turning them on and off rapidly.
Ribbons of gold light started to streak among the buildings. They had no source that I could see, and they never touched anything; they just sped, leaving trails behind them.
Suddenly I was one of the lights. I was zinging towards the ground, straight at it. Before I had a chance to understand or even be scared, I was apart from it all. Floating in the nowhere, looking at the city from the outside.
The lights in the windows turned silver and made shapes that I couldn’t quite see. The ribbons of gold light are still rushing about, but the whole picture is receding into the distance. The city is gone, replaced by nothing.
It may never return but the image of dancing lights and flickering city on the coast is forever a part of my mind.

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