Daily Emotions

How does melancholy and morbidity come from a day where things were fine? First days of anything can at least be looked at as fresh starts, or rekindling of good things. You can at least approach with hope. So why does our focus tend to move to the end of something we just began? We wonder about the after instead of now, and how much we will miss today.

Even if the first day is slow, you can accept the fact you aren't swamped with work and read the book you wanted to. The few hours of activity are embraced. You giggle with the others in class, enjoy company of those you call friends. It's alright; today was good.

But how does not making the cut for a team make "good" into "misery"? You aren't emotional, not usually; so why the wish for tears? The two friends of yours flirting with each other as always tightens your throat with envy and a sense you lost something.

How do emotions move from up to down with a list? Yet you're included with others in other circles. Exclusion when you aren't really excluded.

Humans nurse the negative things; misery loves company, sulking, repeats of failure in our minds. Why is that our default? Being upset makes us feel good about ourselves. Maybe it makes us feel important, having an imagined slight. Maybe we think brooding on it will make it go away, or help us do better the next time. Or maybe complaining makes us think that we're good enough to be listened to.

Humans are strange. Emotional movements are also strange. I just wish they didn't change so much in a day.

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