What I learned, a poem

This is a poem

in 9th grade I learned I had epilepsy.
Now the first time it happened was in my bedroom and my brother found me,  and called an ambulence to take me to the ER.

In 10th grade I learned that life is hard. And not "Oh mom! It's too hard!".
I mean hard. Like sweat and blood and tears and rock hard. Like all the forces of nature took the day off exept gravity, no he stayed late and worked overtime just to keep me down.

In 11th grade I learned that lifes lessons are taught to us by great teachers and that just because someone doesnt know something doesn't mean they are unintelligent it just means they are learning.

And in 12th grade I learned that LOVE is a four letter word and that no matter how you spell it or pronounce it, if you whisper it in someones ear, or send it through a text,
LOVE is just as powerful as all those other four letter words.
And it burns, just as much.
And as I looked into each one of your eyes,
I didn't see your soul,
I just saw your pupuls,
and your eris
and the snowy color arround it
and that was enough,
because i looked in your eyes, each and every one of you and I knew that
i loved those eyes.
And those people.
Because I don't need to see your souls to know that.
And When i looked into your eyes i wondered why the word goodbye starts with good when it can be so
*pause and look down*
I still cry sometimes, don't you?
I cry for love and I cry for joy
and I cried a bit when i saw the goobyes tucked in little envolepes behind your eyes.

in 12th grade, I learned that if you learn one thing in 12th grade it's that the eyes arent the window to the soul,
and your tears may just be remnents of your goodbyes.
And it's when you don't say goodbye to the people who are gone because you know in your heart that maybe just maybe if you forget to say goodbye, maybe it will just be

But like a test just because you forget doesn't mean you won't have to do it. And sit through it.
And sometimes you wont know what the answer is and sometimes you will get something wrong. But life isnt a test and your mistakes don't get drawn on you in red pen they just make you beautiful.

Because in 12th grade i learned that LOVE
Is a four letter word and if i say it enough maybe somebody someday will wake up remembering that i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you.
I. Love. You.

And i hope that right now you know,
and you will never forget,
no matter where you go.
What I learned.

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