
A heart will beat 2.5 billion times in the average life span.
Or so they say.
Are they counting the years of the hundred-three old man, or the six year-old with leukemia?
Does the heart pump blood through an Olympic runner, or the paraplegic woman who can only move so fast?
Is it the heart of a young teenager seeing the person they’ve fallen for walk past, or of the wizened teacher watching the scene?
Is it the terrified pounding of the man giving a presentation before the board members, or the secretary bringing in the coffee?
Does the heart beat the same way during the amazing parts as it does when you wish it would stop?
Do hearts come with a warranty sticker attached? ‘This organ is certified for X.X zillion beats.’ Will I run out of beats faster if I choose to drink my coffee? Will I run out if my heart breaks because my dog has died? Will I void the warranty if I give a section of my heart to someone who doesn’t give me theirs? What happens when I decide to marry and they have less beats than I do? Will I shorten my own life?
How do you count heartbeats?

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