Dolphins On The Coast Of India

///Part 1 Begin

The ocean was nice that day, the clear blue waves moved smoothly to the sand. The sand was a lightly toasted, gold color, it wrapped around  Charlie's toes as if it were trying to hug him. Charlie could thing of nothing better for that day to be like. He could think of no wars ending, no decease cured, nothing that  could make this day better.
So it got worse. It had to didn't it? Wasn't that the law of nature? Does everything have to be worse? Charlie thought hard about this, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a military helicopter.
So it does. Charlie thought.
The military helicopter got closer and closer until Charlie noticed that it wasn't a military helicopter at all. It was a bright green helicopter. An ugly green color. A green that didn't go with any other color in the entire spectrum of light. The helicopter was from Chemical Removal Inc. A giant corporation that dealt more in chemical placement than chemical removal. In fact, CRI wasn't even a corporation at all, they were a government. They were The Government. They had so many backdoor deals and had had greased so many hands that Charlie was surprised that the large Military Man could hold onto the door of the landing helicopter long enough to open it.
Another man walked out of the helicopter. Wearing the same ugly green colored jacket and the same ugly green colored pants. He walked up to Charlie and stopped when he was about two feet away from him.
The green jacketed man opened his mouth to speek but Charlie stopped him with a sentence so mediocre, so normal, that there was no response to give.
"You can't." Charlie said simply
The green jacketed man stood confused for about three seconds then smiled and reached into his jacket and pulled a bottle out.
The bottle was a deep blue color. It was the color of an old evening stroll. It was the color of the chemicals that caused Occurrences. Because it was.
"Why would you bring something like that here!" Charlie said furiously, looking straight at the bottle. "If you release those chemicals all the people here will--"
And then something happened. Something incredibly unexpected for a normal person to do. But the green jacketed man wasn't a normal person. He didn't care about the lives of normal people. And with that in mind, he opened the bottle.
"No..." Charlie whispered. How can I stop this. How do I stop this.
The bottle started releasing a blue gas into the air and everything went slow and wobbly for Charlie.
"No, no, no." The green jacketed man taunted him.
Charlie fell to the ground.
"You could always just give me your lab." The man smiled.
That is what the chemical caused in Charlie. Anger and fear. Charlie got up though. Even though he shouldn't have. Even though it was not going to lead to any good.
"I could run and get your antidote now couldn't I," the green jacketed man mocked him, "but oh wait, you won't let me. I will just have to keep using mine!" He punctuated "mine" like a little boy in kindergarden would. Like he was the God of this moment. Like he knew all the rules. Even though he shouldn't have.
Charlie grabbed the blue bottle and put the top up to his mouth.
Everything stood still.
Charlie felt the mix of gas and fluid flowing down his throat.
The green jacketed man just stood there with a needle on his own arm, ready to administer the antidote to one of the worlds most deadly toxins.
Then Charlie ran.
Even though he shouldn't have. He ran. He left behind the Military Man and the green jacketed man and the entire CRI just like he had 12 years ago. Even though he shouldn't have. Not if he wanted to be safe. But he wasn't someone who played it safe.
Everything was purple now. Everything he saw was tinted purple. The door to his beach house. The inside of his beach house. The phone.
And he vomited.
And he vomited again.
He grabbed the phone and dialed half a number before he vomited purple vomit and then the second half after.
The phone rang in his ear. The phone even rang with purple.
"Hello, man!" The voice was happy and bouncy. "I just found the best por--"
"Rob!" Charlie yelled. Or more half yelled half vomited.
"Wow! you alri--"
"Remember how we needed a sample of the chemical agent for the Occurrences?"
"Yeah..." There was a pause on the line "Oh my god. OH MY GOD! You got it? You got it!"
"Yes, damnit!" vomit "I do." I am vomiting it right now.
The line went dead. Charlie knew that the line must be another metaphor or something. A metaphor for how you get good news and then bad news, blah blah blah. It always gets worse after it gets good.
Charlie fell to the ground. He laid himself down like he was when his feet were in the sound. When the water was a clear blue. When he was happy.
He tried not to choke on his own purple vomit.
Life was good to him.
His vision blurred. His legs stopped moving.
What was that thing his father used to tell him?
Suddenly Rob was right above him yelling.
"It's like dolphins...on the coast..." Charlie said
Rob looked confused in his blurry vision.
Charlie choked on his purple vomit.
Even though he shouldn't have.

///Part 1 End

1 comment:

  1. Wyatt, when do we get part 2? I need to know what happens to Charlie!
